Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Philanthropic Fashion Show August 2009!

Tickets Now On Sale for Missouri Bluffs Fashion Show! Proceeds benefit Hands of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center in Platte City Missouri.

Please call 816-640-2770 or email contactus@missouribluffs.com to order tickets or for more information.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July's First Sunday with Kelly Buntin Johnson

Missouri Bluffs July First Sunday with Kelly Buntin Johnson was too much fun! We enjoyed a refreshing citrus water (no calories!) while nibbling on a delicious roasted red pepper hummus (Cathi's new favorite), assorted cheeses and fresh fruits. It was thrilling to discover Kelly's new necklace creations. We now have 5 of her NEW one-of-a-kind necklaces in the store. They are a mix of, husband Rhett Johnson's, uncommon charms, vintage tin tags, and three dimensional domed creations paired with Kelly's charms/tags and vintage African and European beads. They are truly a Must See for any Rhett or Kelly Fan!